Date Methods - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Date Methods

Method Example
.addDays date('2021/2/27').addDays(4) would return date('2021/5/3')
.addBusinessDays(country) date('2022/7/1').addBusinessdays(2) returns date('2022/7/6')
.dayOfWeek Sunday=1
.daysBetween 'date(2022/1/1').daysBetween(date('2022/2/1')) returns 30
.isHoliday(country) date('2021/11/4').isHoliday('india') would return true since is Diwali
.holiday(country) date('2021/11/4').holiday('india') would return 'Diwali'

Is there value to accommodating other calendar systems by providing an optional parameter for those functions that might need it.

Function Result
'2021/9/13'.toCalendar('Chinese') would return 'Eighth Month 7, 2021 (xin-chou), year of the Ox'
'2021/9/13'.toCalendar('Hebrew') would return '7 Tishri 5782'
'2021/9/13'.toCalendar('Islamic') would return 'Safar 6, 1443 AH'
'Safar 6, 1443 AH'.toCalendar('Gregorian') would return '2021/9/13'

The function would return null if the conversion cannot be made

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️