BizVR to DMN Ranges Mapping - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

? before(range1,range2)
? includes(range, point)
? before(point, range) /  before(range, point)
? after(point, range) /  after(range, point)
? finishes(point, range)
? finished by(range, point)
? starts(point, range)
? includes(range, point)
? during(point, range)
? started by(range, point)
? before(range1,range2)
? after(range1, range2)
? meets(range1, range2)
? met by(range1, range2)
? overlaps(range1, range2)
? overlaps before(range1, range2)
? overlaps after(range1, range2)
? finishes(range1, range2)
? finished by(range1, range2)
? includes(range1, range2)
? during(range1, range2)
? starts(range1, range2)
? started by(range1, range2)
? coincides(range1, range2)
Start End Example Description
include include [1..10] Test that the input value is greater than or equal to the start value and less than or equal to the end value.
exclude include ]1..10] or (1..10] Test that the input value is greater than the start value and less than or equal to the end value.
include exclude [1..10[ or [1..10) Test that the input value is greater than or equal to the start value and less than the end value.
exclude exclude ]1..10[ or (1..10) Test that the input value is greater than the start value and less than the end value.

NOTE: BizVR currently only supports [] (] [) and ()