BizVR to DMN Predefined Values Mapping - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki
BizVR to DMN Predefined Values Mapping
Turns out that DMN has the concept of "predefined values" for a variable
Its not quite the same as our constraints (ours are more powerful because our constraints are actually a special type of decision table) But it means we could grab those values from DMN and convert to a BizVR decision table names "constraints on customer risk"
Ironically even though DMN allows you to set predefined values it doesn't check what you actually type in the rules!!
They are optional in DMN, but if you provide them then they show like this in the XML
DMN strings will be in double quotes - so we'd need to change to singles in our table.
The difference between DMN predefined values and our constraints is: DMN predefined values are local to the individual table (if you use the same variable in several tables you have to repeat the values - and try to get them right) BizVR constraints are global across all rules in all tables in the decision. (we could even make them global across all decisions in a project if we make the constraints a part of the Ontology definition.
So whenever DMN specifies predefined values we could create a constraints table which would take this form
Its not critical but I'll add it to the spreadsheet.