BizVR Entity Relationship Diagram (Structure, UML) - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

BizVR Entity Relationship Diagram

BizVR Entity Relationship Diagram Extended for Expressions image


Mermaid Script for Diagram

          Workspace ||--o{Project :"has zero or more"
          Project ||--o{ Decision :"has zero or more"
          Decision ||--o{ Ruleset :"has zero or more"
          Ruleset ||--o{ Rule : "has zero or more"
          Rule ||--o{ Condition :"has zero or more"
          Rule ||--o{ Action : "has zero or more"
          Decision ||--o{Input : "has zero or more"
          Decision ||--o{Output : "has zero or more"
          Decision ||--o{Constraint : "has zero or more"
          Decision ||--o{PossibleValue : "has zero or more"
          Condition ||--o{ConditionPart : "has zero or more"
          Condition ||--o{ConditionExpression : "has exactly one"
          ConditionPart ||--o{Operator : "has one"
          ConditionPart ||--o{ValueExpression : "has one"
          Action ||--o{Attribute : "has one"
          Action ||--o{ActionValue : "has one"

Catalogs and Assets

    USERID ||--o{ WORKSPACE  : "has one or more CATALOG entry"
    WORKSPACE ||--o{ PROJECT : "has zero or more assets where fldType = BIZ-VR-PROJECT  "
    PROJECT ||..o{ DECISION : "has zero or more ASSET-DECISION-TABLE assets"
    DECISION ||..o{ TABLE : "has zero or more ASSET-TABLE assets"        
    TABLE ||..o{ RULE : "has zero or more rules in the fldContent property of the ASSET-TABLE"