BizVR Auto Fixit Button - Gnorion/BizVR GitHub Wiki

Depending on the kind of issue reported by the Validator it may be possible to offer some ways to fix the issue that can be applied automatically โ€“ perhaps from a list of relevant options.

Issue Quick Fix Options
Variable name referenced in a rule condition but not set in any rule action Add as an input variable Add a rule action to set it Check if its misspelled
Variable set in an action but not tested in any rule condition Add as an output variable if its needed Delete the action and variable if itโ€™s not needed
Overlapping condition within a single cell Replace with the simplified equivalent if correct Modify the rule if not correct
Overlapping conditions across rules within a table for a give variable Rewrite the conditions as non-overlapping
Tautology in a rule condition Is the condition correct Replace with T
Conflict in data type If string, make sure it's in quotes
Conflict in rule actions Check value set correctly Add more conditions to the rule
Self-conflict in condition Edit the conflicting condition
Self-conflict in action (more than one action sets the same variable to different value) Edit the action
Missing rule Add the rule conditions (user needs to decide the actions)
Untested attribute value (value declared in the ontology but never tested in a rule) Remove value from ontology Add rule with condition to test the value (user needs to define the actions)
Unset attribute values (value declared in the ontology but never set in a rule) Remove value from ontology Add rule with action to set the value (user needs to define the conditions)
Unused input attribute (the attribute is declared as an input but is never used) Remove the input attribute Add a rule to test the attribute
Redundant rule identified (one rule does everything that the other rule does) Remove the unneeded rule Modify the redundant rule so it either has different conditions or actions)
A rule condition tests an attribute for a value that breaks a defined constraint on that attribute Change the value in the rule Add the value to the constraints
A rule action sets the value of an attribute to a value that breaks a defined constraint on that attribute Remove the action Change the value in the action
The attribute can have values that are not covered by any rule condition Add conditions to explicitly cover the gaps Add constraints to explicitly exclude those values