Lab 1 - Gnkhakimova/CS5542-BigData_LabAssignments GitHub Wiki
Lab Assignment 1:
Question: 1 Draw a Software Architecture diagram and design workflow for the chimpanzee monitoring problem of the Problem Set 1 (PS-1).
Description: Diagram and design of software which will help primotologists to study the details of the daily movements of group of chimps.
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Question: 2 Write a pseudocode for the Odd Man Out problem of the Problem Set 1 (PS-1)
Description: Given an unsorted array of integers where every integer appears exactly twice, except for one integer which appears once. In order to find non-duplicate integer in the array will need to use XOR operator, XOR each element in the array, all duplicate integers will be crossed out and output will be the non-duplicate integer.
Pseudo Code:
odd_man_out (input array numbers);
temp <- number[0];
for each element i in the array of numbers;
temp <- temp XOR numbers[i];
return temp;
Question: 3 Create ZenHub Tool Account. Create a board, 3 iterations, at least 5 tasks and show the analytics graph.
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