Farming Missions - GnawingPrinter/W40k_IM_config_files GitHub Wiki


Gamefile Meaning
ProgressInterval=0.5 ?
ProgressAmount=1.5 ?
MaxProgress=600 ?
SpawnInterval=50.0 Propably the respawn time of pain harvesters
MaxTargetCount=2 Propably the max amount of harvesters active at once
RespawnInterval=30.0 Propably the respawn interval for enemies
AllyRespawnInterval=60.0 Allied forces respawn intervall
TargetSafeDistanceSq=40000.0 Propably the distance to a harvester for it to be unable to spawn
SpawnSafeDistanceSq=10000.0 Propably the distance to a spawnpoint for it to be unable to spawn
RespawnDelay=10.0 ?
MinimumScore=500 Minimum score needed to "win"
ScorePerKillHorde=1 Score gained for horde enemy
ScorePerKillNormal=2 Score gained for normal enemy
ScorePerKillMedium=6 Score gained for medium enemy
ScorePerKillTarget=10 Propably score gained for harvester
RewardItemPerPoint=250 Propably points needed for a reward chest


Gamefile Meaning
MaxProgress=10 ?
OrbitalStrikeMin=30.00 Minimum cool down for orbital strike
OrbitalStrikeMax=35.00 Maximum cool down for orbital strike
RespawnTimeMin=55.0 Propably minimum respawn delay for enemies
RespawnTimeMax=60.0 Propably maximum respawn delay for enemies
ScorePerKillHorde=1 Score gained for horde enemy
ScorePerKillNormal=1 Score gained for normalenemy
ScorePerKillMedium=20 Score gained for medium enemy
ScorePerKillCommander=50 Score gained for commander enemy