Enchants for Relics and Super Rares! - GnawingPrinter/W40k_IM_config_files GitHub Wiki
Here is a list of all items with their main, primary and secondary enchants and then their ancient, archeotech and morality versions. Those versions are hand made versions of the relic weapons (made by the devs) with widly varying enchants an ways to get enchants. See the neocore compendium (scroll a bit down) for reference on what this items actually are, and then search in here to find out, what enchantments an actuall weapon can have. Here is a page only containing the relic data.
In case a weapon is not listed here please look at the item groups list and see if its there with some other name - for example the psyker weapons are named with numbers like: force_rod and force_rod_2 and force_rod_3.
I dont know what exactly happens, if a weapon defines its own primary/secondary enchants, or if it forces some slots, anyway ive included the data here (if a data set hase some) so you can try to come up with your own theories.
Consult this page, if you want to find out on which numbers can roll for what enchant.
Seems like github does not want me to put a data file this big on to their wiki ;) here is a raw fiev to the markdown file, that should be here. Time to put a stupid webapp togehter i gues...