Episode 094: 03‐11‐2025 The IPSIE Standard: A New Era of Policy Interoperability - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki
Title: The IPSIE Standard: A New Era of Policy Interoperability
Host: Mike Schwartz, Founder/CEO Gluu
Guest: Dean Saxe, Principal Engineer, Office of the CTO, Beyond Identity
Guest: Mark Maguire, Associate Director - IAM, Aujas Cybersecurity
Guest: Travis Tripp, HPE Senior Distinguished Technologist | Senior Platform Architect, HPE Office of the CTO
IPSIE (pronounced "ip-see") stands for Interoperability Profiling for Secure Identity in the Enterprise. Its mission is to develop interoperability and security profiles of existing specifications. The current situation is that the enterprise deployments of OpenID, OAuth, passkeys and other identity technologies are so varied, two implementations are NOT guaranteed to work together. For example, is it acr
or amr
that shows how the user was authenticated? Can re-usable IPSIE profiles enable much sought after IT consolidation? In this epsiode with working group contributors... we'll see!
- Working Group Charter
- Securing the Future of Identity with IPSIE – A New Industry Standard, Webinar May 5 12pm EST with Jeff Reich, IDSA | Dean H. Saxe, Beyond Identity | Aaron Parecki, Okta | Gail Hodges, OpenID Foundation | George Fletcher