Episode 071: 12‐05‐2024 ConnectID – one year on - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki

Title: ConnectID – one year on.

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ConnectID has gradually rolled out across Australian institutions and businesses to simplify identity verification. But building a new ecosystem is not for the faint hearted! The conversation will cover what worked, what didn’t, and what's next for ConnectID?



⚡ ConnectID is probably the most advanced OpenID federation specifically addressing identity. The open banking federations see identity as a means to an end--banking. But ConnectID is specifically designed to enable people to use any existing trusted identity provider to access private sector services.

⚡ Founded through a payments collaboration anchored by the four largest banks that account for >70% of Australian citizens, ConnectID can offer eKYC onboarding, authentication, privacy protecting age verification, and even signing. The business model is that RPs will pay per transaction to offset the cost of the federation.

⚡ ConnectID is one of several identity initiatives in Australia. There are also national and state identity platforms. This may create confusion among businesses and consumers. Ultimately it would be nice if these federations could federate with each other, like an attribute exchange.

⚡ Wallets and new verifiable credentials will impact federations like ConnectID, but it's not 100% clear how both the tools and rules will need to adopt. Wallets introduce a new third party into the trust equation.

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