Episode 063: 11‐07‐2024 Beyond Whack‐a‐Mole: Future‐Proof Against Tomorrow's Threats - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki

Title: Beyond Whack-a-Mole: Future-Proof Against Tomorrow's Threats

Youtube Video


Heather Vescent takes us beyond the endless game of reactive cybersecurity—whack-a-mole style—to understand how strategic foresight can future-proof against tomorrow’s threats. Discover how to shift from a defensive stance to an anticipatory strategy that stays ahead of emerging dangers. Learn how to outsmart future threats before they hit your systems.



⚡ Yogi Berra famously said, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." But futurists don't make predictions, they build strategic foresight by rigorously examining the variables that impact the future (e.g. "attacker cost"), and imagine scenarios where the variables change. For example, what would happen if attacker cost falls precipitously?

⚡ For tech product companies, at a tactical level, what do you work on Monday? After you imagine the future, how do you tactically change your behavior to avoid the potential negative outcome, being "proactive, not reactive", while not impeding development of the business?

⚡ Even if you identify the variable, you may miss how important it becomes in the future. In 2018, AI didn't seem like the biggest risk. Five years later, it clearly is--especially because it got so much cheaper.

⚡ Imagining alternate futures sheds light on new market opportunities. We can potentially solve some of the worlds most intractible challenges by more accurately analyzing possible futures.

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