Episode 053: 10‐03‐2024: ID Transformer Okta to Ping in 45 Days - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki

Title: ID Transformer: Okta to Ping in 45 Days

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Migrating from one enterprise IDP to another is always a big challenge. Normally, its a project that takes months of planning. So when a renown boutique identity intergrator like Hub City says they've gotten such a migration down to 45 days... it's worth it to hear how they accomplish this!





  • "Terraformer", a tool from Google--not to be confused with Hashicorp Terraform--scans your cloud resources and automatically generates Terraform configuration files based on the current state of your infrastructure. This makes it particularly easy to move IDP configurations, especially if both IDPs already have a TF configuration layer. This new approach enables migrations much more rapidly, not just to migrate IDPs, but also to upgrade between versions of the same IDP.

  • Two top reasons why enterprises are migrating from Okta to PingOne are to get more control over identity journeys (i.e. identity orchestration) and to avoid rate limit constraints.

  • This process expedites discovery. ID Transfomer can generate a report on what changes are necessary, which can be automated, and which changes may be manual. For example, if the IDP metadata changes, you'll have to update the RPs. The migration report will identify which RPs need updation.

  • A 45 day migration is still very optimistic for most enterprises, many of whom want to minimize the impact of migrations on RPs, and avoid too many changes at once. Also, there may be no equivalent functionality in the new IDP, which may require development time. Don't feel bad if it takes you longer... it's not uncommon for these migrations to take months, even if this part of it is getting easier.

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