Episode 047: 9‐12‐2024 IAM asleep at the wheel - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki
Title: Why is Identity and Access Management asleep at the wheel?
- Host: Mike Schwartz, Founder/CEO Gluu
- Guest: Lasse Andresen, Founder & CEO IndyKite
- Co-Host: Moushmi Banerjee, Senior Software Architect AI, Okta
In the past year AI has hit center stage - the tech world is talking about the future potential and organizations are implementing first projects. But the identity world…crickets! In this chat we will discuss the biggest opportunity no one is talking about - the importance of trustworthy and secure data for the AI revolution. Join us as we challenge the industry to think beyond their typical silos and become active participants in the future of enterprise.
IndyKite Blog: Enhancing AI Trust With Identity
McKinsey Article: The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
Andreessen Horowitz blog: The AI Future Is Already Here, It’s Just Not Productized Yet
Okta's whitepaper says “Few domains are as well-suited to the application of AI as Identity”. This is true to both build tools to improve security and to attack it. And yet, identerati are not focused enough on building the data analysis skills and infrastructure they need to meet the challenge.
AI is a boon to SaaS identity services--it uses proprietary models, requires lots of capital, and results in real value for customers. Encumbent SaaS identity vendors like Okta and Microsoft clearly recognize this opporunity. And firms like IndyKite also believe there is room for startups to build AI identity SaaS services.
Trust in AI models depends on the provenance of the data, and the metadata available to train the model. This means a lot of data sitting in "data lakes". It's critical to remove any PII from that data lake.
Authz is needed to make insights from AI actionabl--this is clearly why identity companies are moving into authorization. Okta is investing in OpenFGA and a commercial authz offering; IndyKite acquired 3Edges. Note both Okta and IndyKite are investing in graph-based authorization solutions.