Episode 032: 07‐23‐2024 No things in IGA: Considering non‐human account management - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki

Title: No things in IGA: Considering non-human account management

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Often vendors suggest our customers to manage things--robotic process automation (RPA), service accounts, etc--in an IGA system. Naaahh, that's not how you manage those type of accounts!



  • Traditional RBAC models were not designed to handle non person users. Enterprises should not use the Join-Move-Leave lifecycle to manage access for non-person entities. Password rotation doesn't apply to service accounts--it is preferable to use asynchronous authentication anyway.

  • Andre suggests a new lifecycle for non person entity access governance: Create - Provision - Authenticate - Manage/Maintain - Deprovision Access ?

  • Rather then blanket role based permissions, we should move to "just-in-time access", granted to authorize a specific task, upon successful evaluation of relevant policies. To accomplish this, application developers need to externalize policies, and infrastructure products (e.g. API gateways) need to support delegating authorization.

  • Each instance of a machines should register a unqiue public key used for subsequent authentication. This is essential to audit all the actions performed by a person using a specific software instance. Both FIDO and OAuth offer mechanisms for cryptographic registration.

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CIS 2018 - What makes OpenID client software good_