Episode 019: 30‐05‐2024 Continuous Authorization - GluuFederation/identerati-office-hours GitHub Wiki
- Host: Mike Schwartz, Founder/CEO Gluu
- Guest: Rohit Khare, Identerati
Mike has been working on a new design for distributed authorization in the Janssen Project which could enable near real-time JWT token revocation. Revoking JWTs more quickly can limit the blast area of account takeover. Using Server Sent Events (SSE) and a new Token Status List OAuth draft, this solution greatly reduces the bandwith required to revoke tokens. It also introduces the "Cedarling" -- a WebAssembly component powered by the Rust Cedar engine that handles the messaging and JWT validation.
The Cedarling WebAssemby component offers integration with a wide array of applications. It enables the PDP to run in the browser or as a cloud function. To achieve fine grain authorization, we need to run the PDP with minimal latency. A webassembly will give application developers the ability to even present a UX that is based on authorization--i.e. grey out form options the user is not authorized to perform.
Policies are managed in Github, and an application can potentially use a specific policy store. For example, a Wordpress application doesn't need policies related to the API gateway--it's another way we can minimize the memory footprint of the Cedarling.
The Cedarling enables app developers to ask : Can I do this given my current tokens (access, id_token, Userinfo, transaction). The Cedarling can verify which token issuers are trusted, whether the token has been revoked, and if the policies are authorized. The JWT is the new PIP!
Without the ability to revoke tokens, CAEP is not that useful! CAEP events are just data. You need to process that data into information, and then take an action--like revoking tokens. For JWT revocation, old solutions like Certificate Revocation Lists and OCSP don't scale. OAuth Status Lists enables token revocation for a given token to be communicated in as little as one bit. SSE is used to push notifications in real time, or batched periodically (perhaps every 10 seconds).