8. Tips and Tricks - GlowPuff/ImperialCommander2 GitHub Wiki

This is a collection of general tips and tricks and best practices.

General Troubleshooting

Error Logs to help report problems

The player.log is saved to a location dependent on the OS you're running IC2 on:

  • Android: storage/emulated/(userid)/Android/data/com.GlowPuff.ImperialCommander2/files
  • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/GlowPuff/Imperial Commander 2
  • Windows: %localappdata%low\GlowPuff\Imperial Commander 2
  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/unity3d or $HOME/.config/unity3d

The other log files (IC2_error_log.txt, IC2_translation_error_log.txt) are located in the ImperialCommander subfolder of your personal documents folder.

Clean Install

If you keep having troubles, try a clean install (this will delete all your saved games):

  • Delete the installation folder (the one you unzipped the app to).
  • Go to "%localappdata%low\GlowPuff" (or the folder listed above) and delete all Imperial Commander folders.
  • Go to the personal documents folder and delete the "ImperialCommander" folder (be sure to save any custom missions you might have created, if any).
  • Download the latest version of the app and unzip them to a DIFFERENT folder than the one you installed it before.

Did you know...?

  • In the main deployment windows, LEFT CLICK / TAP a deployment group to manually toggle it to exhausted. Exhausted groups are dimmed.
  • In the main deployment window, you can RIGHT CLICK / DOUBLE-TAP a deployment group to view its deployment card and ignored abilities. You can use this, for example, to find out if a defensive ability is ignored or not.
  • Clicking / tapping the Imperial Menu icon at the bottom will bring up the Imperial Menu so you can see the Imperial deployment hand, threat, and deployment modifier.

Difficulty Adjustments

Imperial Commander offers a wide range of options to tailor the difficulty to your liking. Here are some tips and best practices. The best thing is: You can experiment with the settings in every mission. Just adjust difficulty on the fly if a campaign gets too hard or too easy.

Difficulty Setting

The most straightforward adjustment is selecting a different difficulty. Easy difficulty reduces threat and the chance of elite groups being deployed, Hard difficulty increases threat and the chance of elite groups being deployed.

Threat Level

You can also modify the threat level to increase / decrease difficulty further. Since the threat levels in the campaign guides are balanced for playing against a human player, it might be advisable to generally increase the threat level by 1 for a better challenge.

Additional threat

To give the Empire something to start with, add additional threat at the beginning of a mission. You can also increase or decrease threat during a mission via the icon in the Imperial Menu.

More enemies!

Want more enemies to fight? Just resolve an Optional Deployment via the icon in the Imperial Menu.

Fewer enemies!

Need a breather? Just pause Threat Increase / Deployment via the icons in the Imperial Menu.

No deployment events

Don't like the somewhat unpredictable nature of the deployment events? No problem. For a smoother, more predictable deployment behavior, just pause the deployment via the icons in the Imperial Menu. Then, at the start of each round, click "Optional Deployment" once.

Playing on iOS via Steam Link

If you want to run Imperial Commander on iOS, this is possible. The requirement is that you own a computer (Windows, MacOS, or Linux) with Steam on it that is in the same network as the device you want to run the app on.

  1. Launch Steam on the computer where you downloaded Imperial Commander.
  2. Click Games --> Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library.
  3. Click Browse, navigate to the app folder and select Imperial Commander.exe.
  4. Click Add Selected Programs. Imperial Commander should now appear in your library.
  5. Click View --> Big Picture Mode to start Big Picture Mode.
  6. Install the Steam Link app on your tablet (iOS).
  7. Launch Steam Link on your tablet. As long as Steam is running on the other computer and your devices are in the same network, you should have access to your Steam library now.
  8. Simply launch Imperial Commander in Steam Link.

You might need to experiment with the controls in Steam Link.

Note: As long as you keep unzipping new versions to the same folder, you should only have to add the app once.