7. FAQ - GlowPuff/ImperialCommander2 GitHub Wiki

Is Imperial Commander available on iOS?

Unfortunately, due to Apple requiring that an app has to be listed in the App Store, we can't offer Imperial Commander on iOS. However, you can stream the app to iOS using a Windows PC, Linux PC, or Mac by using the SteamLink app for iOS. Details are explained here. If you own a Windows PC, using Kino Console (search the Windows store) is another option.

How do I handle the Imperial Officer's "Order" and similar abilities? I can't view the other group's deployment card while the instruction window is open.

Simply close and re-open the Imperial Officer's instruction window. Do the following:

  1. When the instruction window tells you to resolve "Order", click / tap Continue to close the instruction window. Note: Do not use the Eye icon for this. This only displays the map temporarily. Close the instruction window altogether.
  2. Right-click / double-tap the thumbnail of the group that is supposed to attack. This opens the group's deployment card (if it hasn't activated yet) or instruction window (if it has).
  3. Perform the attack using the abilities / dice pool shown on the card. Note: Only card abilities (such as surge abilities or inherent traits like bonus damage) apply for this attack. If the group gets any modifications from bonus effects or the instructions, those apply ONLY when following the instructions, not during an out-of-activation attack.
  4. Close the group's instruction window / deployment card.
  5. Re-open the Imperial Officer's instruction window by right-clicking / double-tapping his thumbnail and proceed with the activation.

How do I set the threat level / other numerical values? I can't click on anything!

Click / tap the number to open controls, or simply use the mouse wheel.

Do I still need the campaign guides to play missions?

No. You will, however, need a physical copy of every expansion you want to use, including the campaign guide.

How do I tell the app what figure packs I own?

Click / tap Expansions on the main screen to open the expansions menu. Simply select any boxed expansion you own. Click / tap Figure Packs to open the figure packs sub-menu and do the same here. Please note: Only figure packs that add non-unique enemies are listed here. Villains and allies can simply be selected during mission setup.

How do I use side missions when playing with the app?

The campaign structure is identical to vanilla Imperial Assault. Just assemble your side mission deck as usual and put them into play as described in the rules. The only exception are Agenda missions.

Whenever you finish a mission marked with a planet icon in the campaign log, click / tap the planet icon. The app then determines whether or not an Agenda mission is put into play.

Does the app keep track of my campaign progression?

No. You can use the campaign manager of the app to manually keep track of it.

Can I view the current threat?

While it's not necessary to view the threat, yes, you can. When playing a mission, click / tap the central icon at the bottom to open the Imperial Menu.

Can I use the app to track hero activations?

Yes. Just click the activation tokens on the hero portraits.

How do I select the number of open groups?

You don't need to select anything. The number of open groups are always determined by the threat level, not by the mission. This is another rules change from competitive Imperial Assault.

Can I manually add a group to the deployment hand?


  1. Do not mark it as defeated in the app. Simply click / tap on it to exhaust it any time it is ready.
  2. Click / tap the Imperial Hand window icon at the bottom to open the Imperial Hand window (or hit [Esc]). Here you can see the deployment hand and remove groups from the hand.

How does the app determine what groups to deploy / activate / choose etc.?

You can find behind-the-scene details in the Mechanics section in this wiki.

How can I use the ally rules from Tyrants of Lothal?

The app always uses the regular ally rules, not the alternative rules presented in Tyrants of Lothal.

Do all missions work with disabling the round limit?

Almost. There are four missions where you need to keep something in mind:

Expansion Mission Comment
Jabba’s Realm Hostile Negotiations This mission has no classic “round limit”. Instead, end of round 6 is the limit when the spice barrels are counted – this might lead to a win or a defeat. Therefore, the 6 rounds limit is still in.
Jabba’s Realm Moment of Fate While the round limit itself is removed, if the heroes decide to steal the codes, they still only have three rounds to disable the defenses.
Heart of the Empire Inside Man This mission features very special rules regarding the round limit, so it makes little sense to remove it. It might be overhauled later.
Heart of the Empire On the Trail While the round limit itself is removed, if the heroes trigger the “Rendezvous” event, they still only have two rounds to identify the contact.

How do I play the expanded mini campaigns for "The Bespin Gambit" (with the ISB Infiltrator pack) and "Tyrants of Lothal" (with various figure packs)?

  • For "The Bespin Gambit", the expanded mission is already set in the campaign manager as an Interlude. If you don't own the figure pack, just skip the Interlude.
  • For "Tyrants of Lothal", the two missions "The Pirate's Ploy" and "The Admiral's Grip" are already set in the campaign manager as Interludes. You will be asked after playing a mission whether or not you are playing an expanded campaign. Just skip any Interludes for figure packs you don't own. Note: The missions from the Kanan / Ezra and Sabine / Zeb ally packs will not be filled in automatically. Instead, there is an empty Interlude mission in the manager. To play them, just select the mission in the Interlude.