5. Instruction Descriptions - GlowPuff/ImperialCommander2 GitHub Wiki

This section explains the activation instructions. More details about instructions can be found in the rulebook for the Legends of the Alliance app, downloadable on the Fantasy Flight Games website.

Movement Instructions

Move X toward

With this type of instruction, an Imperial figure simply moves toward its target. It gains movement points equal to the number after "Move” and spends them to move as close to the target as possible. It stops moving after it spends all of its movement points or after it is adjacent to the target. If the figure is already adjacent to its target or cannot move closer target, it does not skip this instruction. The instruction is considered resolved and costs an action if it was preceded by the symbol.

Move X to engage

When moving to engage, an Imperial figure tries to move adjacent to its target. The figure gains movement points equal to the number after "Move” and spends them to move to a space adjacent to the target. It stops moving after it is adjacent to the target. If the figure cannot move adjacent to the target, it attempts the instruction with the next best target, following target priority. If the figure cannot move adjacent to any target, this instruction is skipped. If the figure is already adjacent to the target, it does not skip this instruction. The instruction is considered resolved and costs an action if it was preceded by the symbol.

Move X to reposition Y

When moving to reposition, an Imperial figure is trying to get to a specific distance from the Rebel figures. This may mean moving closer to the Rebels if it is too far away, or moving away from the Rebels if it is too close. The reposition value (the number after "Reposition”) is the exact distance away from the Rebel figures that the Imperial figure moves to. The Imperial figure gains movement points equal to the number after "Move” and spends those points to move toward or away from Rebel figures, stopping when the distance between it and the nearest Rebel figure is equal to its reposition value. Imperial figures always resolve a reposition instruction as well as they can. If the Imperial figure cannot move far enough to satisfy the reposition value, it does not skip this instruction. If it is too close to the Rebels, it moves as far away from as many Rebel figures as possible. If it is too far away from the Rebels, it moves as close to as many Rebels as possible. The instruction still costs an action if it was preceded by the symbol.

Repositioning Targets

In most missions, a "Repositioning Target” is given in the instruction window. If such a target is listed, when an Imperial figure follows a "Move X to reposition Y" instruction, the figure tries to reposition itself in a way that follows the Repositioning Target. The Repositioning Target overrides the Y value of the instruction. That means that if a figure can reach the Repositioning Target, but it would not be Y spaces away from a Rebel figure, it still stops when it reaches the Repositioning Target.

Move X to attack

When moving to attack, an Imperial figure tries to move to and attack the target from the closest space possible. The figure gains movement points equal to the number after "Move” and spends them to move toward the target to a space where it has line of sight to the target. The figure stops moving when one of the following conditions are met:

  • It has spent all of its movement points.
  • It is adjacent to the target.
  • It would not have line of sight to the target in a closer space. If the figure cannot move to a space where it can attack the target, it attempts the instruction with the next best target, following Target Priority. If it cannot move to attack any target, it skips this instruction.

Imperial Movement Clarifications

When resolving an Imperial figure's movement, the players always abide by the following rules:

  • The figure always moves via the route that uses the fewest movement points.
  • After resolving an instruction, the figure’s unspent movement points are lost.
  • If a hero interrupts an Imperial figure’s movement with a skill or ability, the players reevaluate the Imperial figure’s instruction to determine if the target has changed.
  • If an Imperial figure gains movement points outside of its activation, for example through mission events, it immediately resolves the last movement instruction on its instruction list, spending at most as many movement points as it just gained.

Imperial Figure Attacks

Imperial figure attacks resolve like normal. For an Imperial figure to perform an attack, the following must be true:

  • The Imperial figure must have line of sight to the target.
  • For a (melee) attack, the Imperial figure must be adjacent to the target, or within two spaces if it has the "Reach" keyword. If the Imperial figure cannot perform an attack against its target, it chooses the next best target, following Target Priority. If there is no legal target for its attack, it skips the instruction.

Limit of One Attack Action

An Imperial figure cannot perform more than one attack action during its activation unless it has an ability that states otherwise. An instruction is an attack action if it is preceded by the symbol. An attack instruction that is not preceded by a symbol does not count against the number of attack actions a figure can perform.

Surge Priority

If any are rolled during an Imperial figure's attack, the figure spends surges on a valid option following the order listed on its dynamic deployment card in Imperial Commander. The deployment card is displayed in the instruction window.

The figure skips a surge ability if one of the following is true:

  • It has already used that ability during this attack.
  • The ability costs more than it has remaining.
  • The ability would have no effect (e.g., increasing accuracy when the attack already has enough accuracy or attempting to inflict a condition when the attack currently deals no damage).

Then, if the figure has any remaining, it repeats this process, starting from the top of the list again. If the figure cannot resolve any surge abilities, the remaining have no effect.

Surge abilities added through bonus effects (at the top of the instruction window) are always priority 1.

Target Priority

When an Imperial figure is instructed to attack, most instructions include a specific target, for example "Move 4 to attack Gaarkhan." If this is the case, the Imperial figure always tries to attack the given target. If that target cannot be attacked by the figure, or that target is already wounded, the instruction is not skipped. Instead, it chooses another legal target, following this order:

  1. The closest healthy Rebel figure.
  2. The healthy Rebel figure with the least Health remaining.
  3. The healthy Rebel figure with the most Health total.
  4. The closest Rebel figure.

If there are still multiple figures that satisfy all those criteria, the players decide which one gets attacked. For purposes of targeting and applying other effects, Rebel allies are considered to be heroes.

Some instructions may include more specific criteria, for example "Attack the closest non-Weakened Rebel". If there are multiple legal targets or a legal target cannot be attacked (for example because there are no non-Weakened Rebels or the Imperial figure doesn’t have line of sight on one), follow the priority order above.