4. Imperial Activations - GlowPuff/ImperialCommander2 GitHub Wiki

When an Imperial group activates, instructions are displayed that cover the actions of the Imperial figures.

Please note: Some deployment cards show modifications in the card text, such as "+2 Health". Those modifications are added on top of the displayed stats. For example, if a deployment card shows a figure has 5 health, and the card text says "+2 Health", the figure has 7 Health total.

Activation Window

No. Description
(1) Bonus Effects: In each round, an Imperial group gains a random bonus effect that provides benefits. The bonus effect is displayed at the top of the instruction window.
(2) Deployment Card: The activation window always shows the group's deployment card. Outside of an activation, you can right-click an enemy thumbnail to open its card.
(3) Damage Counter: You can use this to keep track of how much damage each figure within a group has suffered. Click a tracker number to modify its figure ID or damage. You can also hover the mouse over a number and use the scroll wheel up/down to modify the value.
(4) Instructions: These are the instructions. See below and the next chapter for details.
(5) Click / tap the eye icon to temporarily view the map. Click / tap it again to re-open the window.
(6) Click / tap the attack or defense dice to open the dice roller and automatically roll the assigned dice.


When a deployment group is activated, its instructions are displayed. Each figure in the group, one at a time, starting with the figure closest to a Rebel figure, resolves the instructions from top to bottom. Any instructions that the figure cannot resolve are skipped (see “Skipping Instructions”). After the figure resolves or skips the last instruction in the list, its activation ends and the next figure in that group activates.
An Imperial figure cannot perform more than two actions during its activation. An instruction costs one action for each (action) or (attack action) icon preceding it. If the figure does not have enough actions remaining for an instruction, that instruction is skipped. Unless stated otherwise, an Imperial figure can never perform more than one (attack action) per activation.

Non-Action Instructions

Some instructions are preceded by a square ■ instead of an or . Those instructions do not require an action.

Skipping Instructions

There are some cases in which an Imperial figure may skip an instruction. The various types of instructions and what causes them to be skipped are described later, but these are general guidelines:

  • If an instruction would cause no change to the game state, the instruction is skipped unless the rules say otherwise.
  • If an instruction targets a Rebel figure within a certain number of spaces and there are no Rebel figures within that number of spaces, skip that instruction.
  • If an instruction would cause a figure to be defeated before it could otherwise affect a Rebel figure, skip that instruction.

Finishing Activations

After all Imperial figures in a group have activated, the activation ends as usual. Click / tap Close on the instruction window. The group is now exhausted and cannot be activated again until the next round.


Generally speaking, Imperial figures do not open doors. There are two exceptions to this:

  • If there is no other way to get to a legal target. If an Imperial figure cannot open a door, but destroy it, it attacks it as if the door was a Rebel figure.
  • If there is another way to get to a legal target, but it would take fewer actions to open the door instead of going around. Any instructions that make the Imperial figure move through the door gain another , so it takes an additional action to open the door.

Example: A Stormtrooper tries to follow the instruction " Move 4 to attack Gaarkhan." However, there is a door between him and Gaarkhan, and the way around is longer than simply moving through the door. The instruction becomes " Move 4 to attack Gaarkhan." The Stormtrooper can open the door, move through it and attack, but it takes two actions.

Re-opening the activation window

Once you have closed the activation window, you can re-open it again. Simply right-click / double-tap the thumbnail of an exhausted group to re-open its activation window. The re-opened window is exactly the same that was shown before, including all random elements (for example the chosen target).

The Dice Roller

No. Description
(1) Click / tap to add a die.
(2) These are the dice rolls. Click / tap a die to remove it.
(3) If any modifications (such as additional damage) are applied to the group, they are displayed here.
(4) The deployment card of the group is displayed here.