3. Deployment and Reinforcement - GlowPuff/ImperialCommander2 GitHub Wiki

One of the most important features of the Imperial Commander app is the deployment / reinforcement management.

End-of-round Deployment and Reinforcement

At the end of the round, the Imperial Commander app determines what groups to deploy with the accumulated threat. Deployments can reach from periods of treacherous calm, where no new enemies are deployed, to all-out onslaughts in an effort to wipe the Rebels off the map. The Rebel players do not need to keep track of threat - the app does that for them. All the Rebel players need to do is deploy the figures displayed by the app to the map.

No. Description
1 Reinforcement: At the top of the deployment window, the app shows which groups to reinforce. Deploy defeated figures of the group shown until there are as many figures in the group as the deployment window shows. Reinforced figures are deployed as close as possible to the rest of the group.
2 Deployment: At the bottom of the deployment window, the app shows which new groups to deploy. The app will tell you where to deploy new groups. Always deploy all figures of a group as close as possible to the indicated space, unless the app gives you multiple deployment points for a group.