News - GlovePIEPreservation/GlovePIE GitHub Wiki

This is the last news Carl Kenner posted on his site:

Control Games with Gestures, Speech, and Other Input Devices!

With GlovePIE you can now play any game, or control any software or MIDI devices, using whatever controls you want. This includes joysticks, gamepads, mice, keyboards, MIDI input devices, HMDs, Wiimotes, trackers, and of course, Virtual Reality gloves!

NEW! Wiimote Support!

Now you can use your Nintendo Wii Remote (Wiimote) to control PC games (or emulated games)! Also new in this version is support for TrackIR, FakeSpace Pinch Gloves, and Concept 2 Rowing machines. And it still supports the full range of other input devices added in the last couple of versions.