Concept 2 Rowing Machine (ergo) and Wild Divine Lightstone - GlovePIEPreservation/GlovePIE GitHub Wiki

Concept 2 Rowing Machine

If you have a Concept 2 rowing machine, also known as an ergo, you can connect it to the PC via a USB cable (which it should have come with). It can be a PM3 or PM4.

You must run GlovePIE.exe as an administrator if you are using Vista! Otherwise the rowing machine won’t work.

That allows you to use it with programs like GlovePIE, or to update the rowing machine’s firmware.

Updating the rowing machine’s firmware is a good idea, because it downloads the Fish Game onto your rowing machine. The fish game is really fun and works when it is not connected to the computer. You can update the firmware from here:

To use the rower in GlovePIE, the following are available:

Rower.Distance: The total distance rowed, in metres.
Rower.Distance2: Another version of the above. May be slightly different.

Rower.StrokeState: The part of the stroke you are currently in. 0 and 1 correspond to the wheel starting up. 2 means pulling. 3 means holding. 4 means releasing.
Rower.Pulling: True when doing the pulling part of the stroke
Rower.Holding: True when doing the holding part of the stroke
Rower.Releasing: True when doing the releasing part of the stroke

Rower.Power: How hard they were pulling during the stroke. In watts (Joules per second).
Rower.HeartRate: Beats per minutes (if you have a heart-rate monitor) in “per minute”.
Rower.Calories: Total calories burned so far.
Rower.Cadence: Strokes per minute.
Rower.Pace: How many seconds it takes to row a kilometre.
Rower.Time: Current session time. Divide calories or distance by this to get rates.
Rower.Time2: Another version of the above.
Rower.Exists: True if the rowing machine exists.
Rower.Count: Number of rowing machines (of the same type).
Rower.Speed: Doesn’t really work that well. You need to use Smooth(Rower.Speed,30) for maximum smoothing. In metres per second.

Wild Divine Lightstone

GlovePIE 0.42 now (theoretically) supports Wild Divine Lightstones. You can read multiple Lightstones with “Lightstone1”, “Lightstone2”, etc.

Currently the only “Heart Rate Variance” and “Skin Conductance Level” are measured. It can’t calculate your pulse rate yet.

LightStone.HeartRateVariance: A value that goes high when there is a heart beat, and low when there isn’t. It will usually be between 1.5 and 2.5.
LightStone.SkinConductanceLevel: A value that says how much electricity your skin can conduct, and thus indicates how much you are sweating or how stressed you are. It will usually be between 3.0 and 15.0
LightStone.SerString: probably a string that contains a serial number.
LightStone.VerString: probably a string that contains a version string.
LightStone.Exists: whether this lightstone exists and is connected.