Home - GlovePIEPreservation/GlovePIE GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the GlovePIE wiki!

GlovePIE is a program that was once developed by Carl Kenner. He does not appear to maintain it anymore and the original download no longer works. I have uploaded the version I had on my computer to GitHub so people can continue to enjoy this program.

If the original author (or whoever owns the copyright to this program) wishes for this to be taken down, please contact me.

I copied the information from Carl Kenner's site here since the site is beginning to fall apart. See the sidebar for an organized list of all the data that was on the site and in GlovePIE's manual. Expand the Pages expander above the sidebar to access a search field.

The program supposedly moved to http://glovepie.org/glovepie.phpbut this site no longer works.