Windows Linux Mac Masternode Setup Guide - Globycoin/glbcore GitHub Wiki


Static public IP and open Firewall ports are essential to run masternode!

Run the Globycoin wallet and let it fully sync.

Go to Tools -> Debug Console.

In the Console window enter getaccountaddress MN and copy the result.

This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where you will deposit 150,000 coins to create a masternode.

Send 150,000 GLB exactly to this address. No more, no less.

In the Console Debug window enter masternode genkey - this is your MASTERNODE PRIVKEY.

Go to Tools -> Open Wallet Configuration File. Open the file in Notepad. Then paste in the following two lines.

masternode=1 masternodeprivkey= externalip=(yourlocalipaddress)

Paste your privkey generated in debug console after the equals sign of masternodeprivkey= to make it looks like masternodeprivkey=88TqnWpr53JfkxubvZtQZNkFVWpZ5KHewHNtXzQNwh1pzMpt84t .

Now save and close the file.

In the Console Debug window enter masternode outputs these are your MASTERNODE OUTPUT txhash and outputidx.

Go to Tools -> Open Masternode Configuration File. Open the file in Notepad. Then paste:

MN yourpublicip:23500 yourprivatekeygeneratedearlier txhash outputidx and replace yourpublicip, yourprivatekeygeneratedearlier, txhash and outputidx.

It should look like:

MN 88TqnWpr53JfkxubvZtQZNkFVWpZ5KHewHNtXzQNwh1pzMpt84t 31e9733f33cc1e370957a6845bf013bd016c896907a9d6f7b97ee32c072ca182 0 .

Now save and close the file.

Close the wallet by going to File -> Exit.

Open the Globycoin wallet again.

Go to Masternodes tab, select masternode named MN and press Start.

You should see the response:

Alias: MN

Successfully started masternode

Congratulations, your masternode is now running.

All masternodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.