Reveal all spawned mines to X side with map markers - Global-Conflicts-ArmA/Olsen-Framework-Arma-3 GitHub Wiki

Reveals all current spawned mines on the map at mission start for X side, with choice of marker type and colour.

Place the following code in the preinitclient.sqf

[{!isNull ace_player}, {
    if (playerSide isEqualTo independent) then {
            private _markerName = format ["IED_%1", _forEachIndex]; 
            private _marker = createMarkerLocal [_markerName, getPos _x]; 
            _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Waypoint"; 
            _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
        } forEach allMines;
}] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
  • independent - Side of the choosen team you want to see the markers.
  • Waypoint - Marker type you wish to spawn.
  • ColorRed - Color of the marker.