JIP - Global-Conflicts-ArmA/Olsen-Framework-Arma-3 GitHub Wiki


The Join in progress (JIP) module allows users to join the mission in progress.


  1. JIP is turned on by default so you don't need to edit the modules.sqf files.
  2. Go to modules>jip>settings.hpp

In the settings.hpp file, you find 4 cases, west, east, independent, civilian
Below is the case for blufor.

class west {
    denyTime = 300;
    type = "TELEPORT";
    distance = 50;
    spawnDistance = 200;
    spawnLocation = "";
    dismountVehicles = true;
    transporters[] = {};

denytime - How long a player has from mission start to join their team, when the JIP option is set to DENY. Deny put's users in to spectator if they join the team after mission start, this is good to stop TvTs becoming unbalanced or causing gamey situations like spawning in behind your enemy. denytime allows mission makers to set the option to DENY resulting in the aforementioned, but still allows clients to join and not be put into spectator until the denytime has passed. type - The type of JIP option the client has, choose between

  • TELEPORT - Allows the client to teleport to their squad.
  • TRANSPORT - Allows the client to request transport.
  • DENY - Stops clients joining the side/team by putting them into spectator if a user joins said side/team.

distance - The distance from the spawn point in which the clients JIP option is available.
spawnDistance - The distance from the spawn location JIP options are removed from the clients. spawnLocation - Where JIPs spawn - Leave blank if you want JIPs to spawn at mission start location like everyone else. dismountVehicles - If set to true, clients when they teleport to their squad will automatically dismount a vehicle if their squad is in it.
transporters - A list of variables of units/players that will recieve a hint/pop up telling them someone has requested transport if the TRANSPORT option is selected instead of TELEPORT or DENY