Hotkey Release Bindings - Glidias/gingkstep GitHub Wiki

There are 3 specific keyboard buttons being hardcoded to be tracked (for a combination of press-down and release) in order to send respective commands once all keyboard buttons are released (thus tracking which buttons had been pressed for a specific key combination until all buttons are released). If you are using foot pedal, you would need to bind the press/release of a foot pedals to emulate a keyboard key press/release.

  • Alt (Left key)
  • Space (Middle Key)
  • Ctrl (Right Key)

This gives the possibility of 2^3 - 1 = 7 combinations of commands available from 3 given keys.

Below are the following key combinations and resulting commands available (wip, up for consideration).

  • [Left] = 'prevStep': Will go to previous slide in entire slideshow.
  • [Right] = 'nextStep' Will go to next slide in entire slideshow.
  • [Middle|Right] = 'nextSong'
  • [Left|Middle] = 'prevSong'
  • [Middle] = 'select'
  • [Left|Right] = 'cancel'
  • [Left|Middle|Right] = 'cancel'

Disabling default arrow keys

If you wish to to disable arrow key controls for the entire slideshow and only rely on Hotkey release bindings, add a &noarrows query string to the given URL request for the website. (eg. http://localhost:8080/?s=g1zdt6&noarrows) to start up the application with no arrow keys to be initialised.