Gingkstep Usage - Glidias/gingkstep GitHub Wiki

Application usage

Start screen


Click Load to attempt to load a Gingko tree and view slides in the Slides Overview screen

As of now , to return back to the start screen, you have to manually refresh the browser which will disconnect any currently active session.

You can toggle between Slides Overview Screen and full screen Slideshow by clicking on an invisible button on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Slides Overview Screen


Click on a slide card to navigate straight to it and make it the "active' slide. Left/right keys/Swipe left/right to consider selection of songs by browsing to them. Up/down keys/Swipe up/down to navigate up/down slide cards within the same the currently focused song.

Caveat Browser: To ensure keyboard controls work, you might need to tap on an on-screen slide element first in order to gain focus on a given slide in order to send keyboard events.

For other hotkey combination bindings, refer to

The button below can be used to return the screen view back to the currently "active" slide after swiping to preview other song slides.


Tray Menu


Options here are pretty self explanatory. Toggle Show Chords? to view any available chords and any local (client-side-only) transposition/capo options. You can locally transpose chord notations to a different key and it won't affect other users in a given hosted session. Select Highlight to brighten the active slide selection indicator.

To host a session, click on Host Session. A session pin will be shown. You are now the host. Session can be joined in via the Join Room field in the start screen using the session pin. Whenever the host activates a given slide step, other devices connected on the same session via Join Room will also to switch slides along with the host.

Full screen Slideshow


Left/right keys/Swipe left/right to navigate to next/previous slides.

Sharing song library links

As of now, the approach isn't too elegant...


where ?s={tree_id} is used to set the respective default-entered tree id, and &autoload suffix can be used to automatically attempt to navigate into the Slide Overview upon loading the link. Refer to for a full list of available startup parameters.