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Gingkstep (https://gingkstep.herokuapp.com/) is a simple working proof of concept website/ potential app-suite meant to deliver content of information or songs with lyrics/chords split up into individual slides that can be connected via Kahoot!-like sessions (joining via a simple Session ID Pin on web browser) to quickly synchronize slide presentation viewing across devices.

How to links:

Viewing/Hosting: https://github.com/Glidias/gingkstep/wiki/Gingkstep-Usage

Currently, your content/songs are compiled and prepared on a separate 3rd party website service called gingkoapp.com (currently not maintained by me) to store them as card-like documents. Each card (or each paragraph in a song's card) may split into individual song slides via syntax writing conventions as presented in this link:

Writing up chord sheets: https://github.com/Glidias/gingkstep/wiki/Gingko-Usage

Current Features:

  • Song lyric-chord formats of ChordPro, Ultimate Guitar and Plain text.
  • Transposition, and capo key changes of displayed chords at both runtime (locally) or done beforehand at prep-time to be loaded.
  • Locally toggle display of lyrics with/without chords.
  • Current chord notation formats supported for processing and display are: Letter, Roman, and Nashville based chords. (eg. Major: Bb, bVII, b7, or Minor: Bbm, bvii, b7m ). As far as notation is concerned, these can be mixed and matched within the same song with no restrictions.
  • Modulation (key changes) within the same song.
  • Default keyboard input hot-key setups for slide navigations to support link-up to foot pedals (that can emulate key presses).

Roadmap of what to be considered next: https://github.com/Glidias/gingkstep/wiki/Roadmap