Event Types - GlennPrince/DNetBotTemplate GitHub Wiki

Event Types

This Discord Bot is using EventGrid to send all Discord Events to any subscriber interested. It also listens to EventGrid to receive messages back for processing, currently the return message is the only value that is configured. Below is a list of all the event types, subjects and payloads sent by the proxy service. Payloads are defined in the entities section of the DNetUtils project.

Topic Subject Event Type Payload
client ClientReady DNetBot.Client.Ready DiscordClient
bot Update DNetBot.Bot.Update DiscordUser
bot LoggedIn DNetBot.Bot.LoggedIn
channel ChannelCreated DNetBot.Channel.Created DiscordChannel
channel ChannelUpdated DNetBot.Channel.Updated DiscordChannel
channel ChannelDeleted DNetBot.Channel.Deleted DiscordChannel
channel ChannelJoined DNetBot.Channel.Joined DiscordUser
channel ChannelLeft DNetBot.Channel.Left DiscordUser
guild JoinedGuild DNetBot.Guild.Joined DiscordGuild
guild LeftGuild DNetBot.Guild.Left DiscordGuild
guild GuildAvailable DNetBot.Guild.Available DiscordGuild
guild UpdatedGuild DNetBot.Guild.Updated DiscordGuild
guild GuildUnavailable DNetBot.Guild.Unavailable DiscordGuild
messages NewMessage DNetBot.Message.NewMessage DiscordMessage
messages DeletedMessage DNetBot.Message.Deleted DiscordMessage
messages UpdatedMessage DNetBot.Message.Updated DiscordMessage
role RoleCreated DNetBot.Role.Created DiscordRole
role RoleUpdated DNetBot.Role.Updated DiscordRole
role RoleDeleted DNetBot.Role.Deleted DiscordRole
user UserBanned DNetBot.User.Banned DiscordUser
user UserUnbanned DNetBot.User.Unbanned DiscordUser
user UpdatedUser DNetBot.User.Updated DiscordUser
user UpdatedMember DNetBot.User.Updated DiscordUser
user UserJoined DNetBot.User.Joined DiscordUser
user UserLeft DNetBot.User.Left DiscordUser
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