Neural Network Quickstart (Groovy) - Gleethos/neureka GitHub Wiki
Let's build a simple Groovy NN :
1. Configuration
Before working with tensors it might be useful to configure Neureka to fit your needs. Accessing settings can be done as follows :
def settings = Neureka.get().settings()
For more information take a look at the settings documentation.
2. Devices
Before getting started with tensors we first have to consider the following question : Where do we want our tensors to be stored and executed?
The answer to this question is usually quite simple :
By default, they are stored in primitive arrays on the JVM, so in your RAM!
What if you want them to run on your GPU?
In that case we have to use the Device
interface to get a device on which our tensors ought to live :
def device = Device.find('first gpu').orElse(CPU.get())
Devices are components of tensors and tensors are elements of a device. Therefore we can marry instances of these two types via the following two ways : myTensor )
or device )
For simplicity reasons the next steps will not include the Device
type when handling tensors.
3. Mock Data
Neural networks are known for their hunger for data. So let's prepare a snack :
def X = Tsr.of(
[[0.6667, 1.0000],
[0.3333, 0.5556],
[1.0000, 0.6667]]
def y = Tsr.of(
If you want to know more about feeding data into your tensors consider looking at the FileDevice
4. Weights
For this network we are going to need 2 weight tensors :
First we need a 2 by 3 matrix for the weights between the input layer and the hidden layer.
This weight matrix shall be called W1
Besides that we then create the second weight tensor which is a 3 by 1 matrix named W2
def W1 = Tsr.of(
[[-1.1843, 0.0146, -1.4647],
[-1.4020, -1.0129, 0.6256]]
def W2 = Tsr.of(
[[ 1.8095],
5. Activation Function
The last setup step is the activation function. For this little quickstart we will use the sigmoid activation function 👍
def sig = Function.of('sig(I[0])')
6. Finally! A neural network! 😃
def errors = []
def losses = []
def forwardAndBackward = ( Tsr x ) ->
def z1 = x.matMul(W1)
def hidden = sig(z1)
def z2 = hidden.matMul(W2)
def pred = sig(z2)
def error = (y - pred)
def loss = (error**2).mean()
pred.backward(error) // This is where Neurekas autograd magic happend!
return loss
7. Training
Let's train it over 100 epochs :
100.times {
def loss = forwardAndBackward(X)