Things to know on coregistration class structure - GlacioHack/xdem GitHub Wiki

Whether we want to add a new method, or do some maintenance, here's a list of things that are good to know.

If not the case, first get a user-oriented introduction to the working of these classes in xDEM's documentation.

Summary of Coreg class structure

The parent Coreg class implements core methods fit(), apply() (and others) shared across all coregistration subclasses, and initiates a meta dictionary through its __init__ which stores any metadata inputs/outputs about the method. The fit() and apply() methods re-direct to non-public functions _fit_rst_rst, _fit_rst_pts and _fit_pts_pts for fitting (raster-raster, raster-point or point-point input) and _apply_rst or _apply_pts. These functions are meant to be overridden in subclasses implementing a specific coregistration, such as NuthKaab or Deramp.

The AffineCoreg subclass of Coreg is the parent class for all coregistration methods that can be described by an affine transformation. All AffineCoreg subclasses will use the same apply_matrix functions for any raster or point input, and thus have no _apply_ function to implement. Only the _fit_xxx functions have to be implemented.

The BiasCorr subclass of Coreg is the parent class for all coregistration/correction methods that can be described by binning data and/or fitting a function with any number of bias variables (which can range from raster coordinates or terrain attributes, to any user-input variables). Their _fit_xxx functions thus re-directs to a single BiasCorr._fit_rst_rst_and_rst_pts function that calls the Coreg._bin_and_or_fit_nd binning and fitting method, and a single BiasCorr._apply_rst. Thus, to implement a new BiasCorr subclass, only specific fitting and binning parameters in the class __init__, and the derivation of bias variables in _fit_xxx/apply_xxx have to be implemented. For instance, Deramp forces its fit_func to be a 2D polynomial, and in _fit_xxx it derives its bias variable as the 2D coordinates of the DEM.

The CoregPipeline and BlockwiseCoreg subclasses of Coreg override the fit() and apply() method to perform those in a pipeline or per-block, but then rely on the same inheritance to the _fit_xxx and _apply_xxx of a given subclass.

Common core functions and metadata

Most methods rely on the same core functions:

  • The coreg.base._preprocess_pts_rst_subsample method is used to consistently extract a valid subsample of a raster-raster or raster-point input, to pass to the coregistration algorithm; a special case is coreg.affine._preprocess_pts_rst_subsample_interpolator which returns an interpolator for computationally efficiency of certain affine methods,
  • The coreg.base._bin_or_and_fit_nd method is used to consistently perform binning and/or fitting with any auxiliary variables (for all AffineCoreg method requiring optimization, and all BiasCorr methods),

All Coreg method define their metadata by passing a single dictionary to Coreg.__init__, which will automatically sort the dictionary keys into a nested structure defined by CoregDict.

Steps to add a new Coreg subclass

  1. Add a new subclass either as AffineCoreg or BiasCorr: class MyCoreg(AffineCoreg):
  2. Define its arguments in its __init__ method and call super().__init__ with a dictionary of these arguments: the subsample argument is mandatory and common to all classes (see coreg.base.InRandomDict), the generic bin and fit arguments are recommended if possible with the method (see coreg.base.InFitOrBinDict, and the generic iteration arguments if relevant also (see coreg.base.InIterativeDict). Any other argument specific to that method has to be added to coreg.base.InSpecificDict.
  3. Add a string description of new specific arguments in coreg.base.dict_key_to_str, to be displayed in,
  4. Add the _fit_xxx function, using the common core function described above for subsampling + performing a bin/fit. For a BiasCorr subclass, the function should derive bias variables and end by pointing towards BiasCorr._fit_rst_rst_and_rst_pts. For an AffineCoreg subclass, the function should end by storing the output affine matrix in the metadata, as done in other affine classes.
  5. (Only for BiasCorr subclasses) Add the derivation of the bias variables in an _apply_xxx function, which then points to BiasCorr._apply_rst_pts.