Shared reading - Giveth/gov-lab GitHub Wiki
Curated list in Process
Gini Handbook - Quite good reading recommended by Kay, some original content in the last 2/3 pages. Built around Sociocracy and integrates "Open Space Technology" (see law of two feet).
Bun Protocol - Handle requests in a lightweight distributed manner. Also see the cookie protocol!
Upstream suggestions
Participatory Orgs Taxonomy and Overview - Everyone should read this to get a bird eyes view of the beast!
S3 Patterns index - Seems to be the best integrated and well-structured branch of the Sociocratic "wellspring". Highly recommended.
Triad Working Patterns - Paired working balanced out with a third person in the group. Seems like a good primary to adapt.
Ladder of inference. The model suggested by Loie, parallels with Ginis decision-making ladder
The TAO of DAO - DAO stack handbook, recommended by Kay(?)