Installing dependencies on Linux - GitHubRGI/geopackage-python GitHub Wiki

Required Software

In order to run gdal2tiles on a Linux environment, instructions will differ slightly by distribution. Most newer Linux distributions have Python 2.7 as either an option or the default python version in their package repository, but others such as CentOS only have older versions. In that case, the user will need to find out how to get Python 2.7 from a reputable source or compile it themselves.

Python 2.7

The latest Version of Python 2.7 can be downloaded on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu and Redhat by typing the following into a command line:

sudo apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-pip base-devel


The latest GDAL core binaries and python bindings can be downloaded on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu and Redhat by typing the following into a command line:

sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal

Python Imaging Library

The Python Imaging Library, also known as PIL or the newer version, Pillow, adds image processing and manipulation capability to Python 2.7. To install, use pip:

pip -U pillow

If you receive an error chances are you need python2.7-dev so that the required files can be compiled for your system.

Additional driver support for tiling 3rd party image formats (MrSID, JPEG2000)

Unlike Windows, Linux support for 3rd party image format drivers such as LizardTech's MrSID wavelet compression format require a recompile of GDAL. This is outside the scope of this wiki however there is a good explanation of how to do this located on GDAL's website.