Installing Scripts - GitBruno/Novelty GitHub Wiki
Open Adobe InDesign
In the Scripts panel, right click on
and chooseReveal in Finder
(Mac) orReveal in Explorer
(PC) -
Copy the script file inside the
Scripts Panel
NOTE Copying the script into the
folder makes the scripts accessible for all users.
OSX Local Folders
Local Cached Data folder
The application "local cached data folder." This folder is for large data caches that you don't want to roam from machine to machine. It is also for data that can easily be regenerated if deleted.
~/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/Version [#]
- InDesign Recovery folder (+data)
- Scripting Support folder
- FindChangeData
- FindChangeDataTmp
- FontMask
- Cacheidletask log
- InDesign ClipboardScrap
- InDesign DragDropScrap
- InDesign SavedData
Roaming Data folder
The application "roaming data folder." This folder is intended for "normal" preference data that you would want to roam from machine to machine.
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version #
- Color Settings
- Composite Fonts
- Find-Change Queries
- InDesign Defaults
- InDesign Scripts folder
- Workspaces folder
- Menu Sets folder