Chatbot - GitBolt/axiol GitHub Wiki

Help command: .help chatbot

By default this plugin is enabled, therefore Axiol will reply to all pings and disabling this plugin would make Axiol not reply to any messages or pings.

.setchatbot <channel>

This commands sets a channel to a chatbot channel therefore all messages in that channel will be replied by Axiol and members would not need require to ping!

.removechatbot <channel>

This commands removes a channel from chatbot channel list if it is there, therefore Axiol would no longer reply to all messages there.


This commands shows all channels which are chatbot channels, the channels shown in the embed are where the bot replies to all messages by everyone.

.chatbotreport <description>

If the chatbot does anything wrong, behaves weirdly or does not work then a quick report to the support server can be sent with just this command without needing to join the server and reporting manually, the description has no limit so it can be as long as you want.

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