Communication is important!!! - Git-it-Kat/Create-Portfolio GitHub Wiki

How the group wants to communicate:

  • Slack
  • Discord
  • Teams

This will be decided on the first meeting and relayed to all that night. Information will be posted here!

For example: We recommend that you download and install both the desktop and mobile applications for Slack. We recommend that you use this instead of the browser version of Slack. It will allow you to receive notifications without having Slack open in a browser tab. NOTE: If your computer's user account has a space in it (such as "Jane Doe" instead of "JaneDoe", then see this module about creating a new user account before you install the desktop version of Slack, so that you do not need to install it twice.) You can also install the mobile version of Slack for iOS/Android to your mobile device(s).

Best Practices When Asking For Help: "The 20-minute rule is very simple. Next time you dread doing something, set a timer for 20 minutes, and start working on whatever it is you’ve been putting off. It doesn’t matter if you’re slow at first, the important thing is that you work on your task for just 20 minutes. This is usually a fear of failure or of not meeting our own standards. Somehow, we manage to link a lot of pain to the action we know we should take. The anticipation of pain keeps us from acting, and we fail to even get started."(Claman G).

This is a safe place to learn and develop your skills

After 20 minutes definitely ask for help from the group we all have Brain farts and we forget the simplest things.

Rules for asking for help:

-Taking Screenshots: