ws_rpt_inp_node - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki



Column name Data type Description Example
id serial4 Id
result_id varchar(30) Id of the result
node_id varchar(16) Id of node
elevation numeric(12, 3) Elevation of the node
elev numeric(12, 3)
node_type varchar(30) Type of node
nodecat_id varchar(30) Id of node catalog, defined on cat_node
epa_type varchar(16) Node type related to EPA classification, defined on sys_feature_epa_type
sector_id int4 Id of a hydraulic sector, defined on sector
state smallint Main state of element, defined on value_state
state_type smallint Substate of element, defined on value_state_type
annotation varchar(254) Descript
demand float8 Demand value assigned to node
the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of element
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation, defined on exploitation
pattern_id varchar(16) Id of pattern assigned to the node
addparam text Additional parameters
nodeparent varchar(16) Id of nodearc created during model exportation
arcposition int2
dma_id int4 Id of a district metering area, defined on dma
presszone_id text Presszone id
dqa_id integer Id of a quality sector, defined on dqa
minsector_id integer Id of a minimum sector
age int4 Age of a node