ws_rpt_cat_result - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Catalog of EPANET modeling process.


Column name Data type Description
result_id character varying(30) Id of a model result
n_junction numeric Number of junctions involved in the model
n_reservoir numeric Number of reservoirs involved in the model
n_tank numeric Number of tanks involved in the model
n_pipe numeric Number of pipes involved in the model
n_pump numeric Number of pumps involved in the model
n_valve numeric Number of vavles involved in the model
head_form text Formula used to compute headloss as a function of flow rate in a pipe
hydra_time text
hydra_acc numeric Prescribes the convergence criterion that determines when a hydraulic solution has been reached
st_ch_freq numeric
max_tr_ch numeric
dam_li_thr numeric
max_trials numeric Maximum number of trials used to solve the nonlinear equations that govern network hydraulics at a given point in time
q_analysis character varying(20) The type of performed water quality analysis
spec_grav numeric The ratio of the density of the fluid being modeled to that of water at 4 deg. C (unitless)
r_kin_visc numeric The kinematic viscosity of the fluid being modeled relative to that of water at 20 deg. C (1.0 centistoke)
r_che_diff numeric The molecular diffusivity of the chemical being analyzed relative to that of chlorine in water
dem_multi numeric Used to adjust the values of baseline demands for all junctions and all demand categories.
total_dura text Total length of a simulation in hoursv
exec_date timestamp(6) without time zone Data of process execution, now by default
q_timestep character varying(16) Time interval between routing of water quality constituent
q_tolerance character varying(16) The difference in water quality level below which one can say that one parcel of water is essentially the same as another
cur_user text Name of user
inp_options json Simulation options
stats json Result statistics
iscorporate boolean Sets whether the model output has been set as corporate, assigning its values to the node_add, arc_add and connec_add tables to make it easily searchable