ws_man_valve - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Inventory table, that stores id and specific data of features with system id VALVE.


Column name Data type Description
node_id character varying(16) Id of node
closed boolean If true, valve is closed
broken boolean If true, valve is broken
buried character varying(16) If true, valve is buried
irrigation_indicator character varying(16) Irrigation indicator
pression_entry numeric(12,3) Inlet pressure (kg/cm2)
pression_exit numeric(12,3) Outlet pressure (kg/cm2)
depth_valveshaft numeric(12,3) Valve shaft depth
regulator_situation character varying(150) Situation of the regulator
regulator_location character varying(150) Location of the regulator
regulator_observ character varying(254) Description of the regulator
lin_meters numeric(12,3) Linear meters to discharge point
exit_type character varying(100) Outlet type
exit_code integer Outlet code
drive_type character varying(100) Bypass type
cat_valve2 character varying(30) Second valve, defined on cat_node
ordinarystatus smallint Default valve status (opened or closed) under normal conditions
shutter text Shutter
brand text Brand defined on cat_brand,used in case when brand is not specified on node catalog
model text Model defined on cat_brand_model, used in case when model is not specified on node catalog
brand2 text Second valve brand defined on cat_brand,used in case when brand is not specified on node catalog
model2 text Second valve model defined on cat_brand_model, used in case when model is not specified on node catalog
valve_type text Type of valve