ws_link - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Links are linear elements that relate gullies and connections with their virtual nodes located over the nearest arc, therefore, they perform the function of connecting the separated elements with the network.

For more info read the topology rules between links and other network elements on this chapter of Giswater User Manual:


Column name Data type Description
link_id serial4 Link id
feature_id varchar(16) Feature id
feature_type varchar(16) Feature id
exit_id varchar(16) Id of the element where the link connects
exit_type varchar(16) Type of element to which the link connects. It can be ARC, NODE, CONNEC or GULLY.
userdefined_geom bool Sets whether the link geometry is manually modified by the user or is a straight line to the connection point
state int2 Main state of element
expl_id int4 Exploitation id
the_geom geometry(linestring, 25831) Geometry of links involved in the process
tstamp timestamp Date and time of data insert
exit_topelev float8 Terrain elevation at the connection point
exit_elev numeric(12, 3) Water level at connection point
sector_id int4 Id of sector
dma_id int4 Id if DMA
fluid_type varchar(16) Function of the element, defined on man_type_fluid
presszone_id varchar(16) Id if Presszone
dqa_id int4 Id if DQA
minsector_id int4 Id of a minimum sector
expl_id2 integer Id of a second exploitation, defined on exploitation