ws_inp_virtualvalve - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Defines all control virtual valve represented as arcs, contained in the network.


Column name Data type Description Example
arc_id character varying(16) Id of arc
valv_type character varying(18) Valve type, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_typevalue_valve FCV, GPV, PBV, PRV, PSV, TCV
pressure numeric(12,4) Pressure supported by the valve
diameter numeric(12,4) Custom diameter
flow numeric(12,4) Flow
coef_loss numeric(12,4) Loss coefficient
curve_id character varying(16) Id of curve, defined on inp_curve
minorloss numeric(12,4) Lower loss coefficient associated with curves, direction changes, etc.
status character varying(12) Status of pump, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_value_status_valve ACTIVE, CLOSED, OPEN