ud_rpt_inp_node - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Hydraulic model results for node.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example |
id | serial4 | Id | |
result_id | character varying(30) | Id result | |
node_id | character varying(16) | Arc Id | |
top_elev | numeric(12, 3) | Top elevation at which the element is located | |
ymax | numeric(12, 3) | Depth of the element | |
elev | numeric(12, 3) | Bottom elevation of the element | |
node_type | character varying(30) | Node type | |
nodecat_id | character varying(30) | Id of node catalog | |
epa_type | character varying(16) | Node type related to EPA classification | |
sector_id | integer | Id of a hydraulic sector, defined on sector | |
state | smallint | Main state of element, defined on value_state | |
state_type | smallint | Substate of element, defined on value_state_type | |
annotation | character varying(254) | Description | |
y0 | numeric(12, 4) | Water depth at start of simulation | |
ysur | numeric(12, 4) | Maximum additional head above ground elevation that manhole junction can sustain under surcharge conditions | |
apond | numeric(12, 4) | Area subjected to surface ponding once water depth exceeds | |
the_geom | geometry(point, 25831) | Point geometry of element | |
expl_id | integer | Id of an exploitation, defined on exploitation | |
addparam | text | Description | |
parent | character varying(16) | Description | |
arcposition | smallint | Description | |
fusioned_node | text NULL | Description | |
age | integer | Description |