ud_rpt_inp_arc - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Hydraulic model results for arc.


Column name Data type Description Example
id serial4 Id
result_id character varying(30) Id result
arc_id character varying(16) Arc Id
node_1 character varying(16) Id of arc's initial node
node_2 character varying(16) Id of arc's final node
elevmax1 numeric(12, 3) Description
elevmax2 numeric(12, 3) Description
arc_type character varying(30) Type of arc
arccat_id character varying(30) Id of arc catalog
epa_type character varying(16) Node type related to EPA classification, defined on sys_feature_epa_type
sector_id integer Id of a hydraulic sector
state smallint Main state of element
state_type smallint Substate of element, defined on value_state_type
annotation character varying(254) Description
length numeric(12, 3) Length of arc
n numeric(12, 3) Description
the_geom geometry(linestring, 25831) Line geometry of element
expl_id integer Id of an exploitation
addparam text Additional parameters
arcparent character varying(16) Description
q0 double precision Flow in conduit at start of simulation
qmax double precision Maximum flow allowed in the arc
barrels integer Number of barrels associated with an arc
slope double precision Description
culvert character varying(10) Code number for the arc’s inlet geometry if it is an arc subject to possible inlet flow control
kentry numeric(12, 4) Entrance minor head loss coefficient
kexit numeric(12, 4) Exit minor head loss coefficient
kavg numeric(12, 4) Average minor head loss coefficient across length of the arc
flap character varying(3) YES if arc has a flap valve that prevents back flow, NO otherwise. [YES, NO]
seepage numeric(12, 4) Seepage losses for arcs
age integer Description