ud_review_audit_node - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Node fields:

Column name Data type Description
link_id serial4 Id of link
feature_id varchar(16) Id of feature
feature_type varchar(16) Feature type to which value is related
exit_id varchar(16) Id of the element where the link connects
exit_type varchar(16) Outlet type
userdefined_geom bool Sets whether the link geometry is manually modified by the user or is a straight line to the connection point
state int2 Main state of element, defined on value_state
expl_id int4 Id of exploitation
the_geom int4 public.geometry(linestring, 25831)
tstamp timestamp Date and time of data insert
exit_topelev float8 Terrain elevation at the connection point
exit_elev numeric(12, 3) Water level at connection point
sector_id int4 Id of sector
dma_id int4 Id of DMA
fluid_type varchar(16) Function of the element, defined on man_type_fluid
presszone_id varchar(16) Id of presszone
dqa_id int4 Id of dqa
minsector_id int4 Id of minsector