ud_inp_weir - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each weir of the drainage system.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
arc_id character varying(16) Id of arc
weir_type character varying(18) Type of weir, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_value_weirs [SIDEFLOW, TRANSVERSE, TRAPEZOIDAL, V-NOTCH]
offsetval numeric(12,4) Amount that the weir is offset above the invert of inlet node
cd numeric(12,4) Weir discharge coefficient
ec numeric(12,4) Number of end contractions for transverse or trapezoidal weir
cd2 numeric(12,4) Discharge coefficient for triangular ends of a trapezoidal weir
flap character varying(3) YES if flap gate present to prevent reverse flow, NO if not [YES, NO]
geom1 numeric(12,4) Geometry of weir
geom2 numeric(12,4) Geometry of weir
geom3 numeric(12,4) Geometry of weir
geom4 numeric(12,4) Geometry of weir
surcharge character varying(3) YES if the weir can surcharge, NO if it cannot [YES, NO]
road_width float Width of roadway and shoulders (feet or meters)
road_surf varchar(16) Surface of the road, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_value_surface [PAVED, GRAVEL]
coef_curve float Optional name of curve that relates discharge coefficient to head