ud_inp_subcatchment - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki
Identifies each subcatchment within the study area. Subcatchments are land area units which generate runoff from rainfall.
Column name | Data type | Description | Domain values |
subc_id | character varying(16) | Id of subcatchment | |
outlet_id | character varying(100) | Id of outlet, defined on inp_outlet | |
rg_id | character varying(16) | Id of raingage, defined on raingage | |
area | numeric(16,6) | Area of the subcatchment | |
imperv | numeric(12,4) | Percent imperviousness of subcatchment. | |
width | numeric(12,4) | Characteristic width of subcatchment | |
slope | numeric(12,4) | Subcatchment slope | |
clength | numeric(12,4) | Total curb length | |
snow_id | character varying(16) | Id of snowpack, defined on inp_snowpack_id | |
nimp | numeric(12,4) | Manning's n for overland flow over the impervious sub-area | |
nperv | numeric(12,4) | Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious sub-area | |
simp | numeric(12,4) | Depression storage for impervious sub-area | |
sperv | numeric(12,4) | Depression storage for pervious sub-area | |
zero | numeric(12,4) | Percent of impervious area with no depression storage. | |
routeto | character varying(20) | IMPERVIOUS if pervious area runoff runs onto impervious area, PERVIOUS if impervious runoff runs onto pervious area, or OUTLET if both areas drain to the subcatchment's outlet | IMPERVIOUS, PERVIOUS, OUTLET |
rted | numeric(12,4) | Percent of runoff routed from one type of area to another | |
maxrate | numeric(12,4) | Maximum infiltration rate on Horton curve | |
minrate | numeric(12,4) | Minimum infiltration rate on Horton curve | |
decay | numeric(12,4) | Decay rate constant of Horton curve | |
drytime | numeric(12,4) | Time it takes for fully saturated soil to dry | |
maxinfil | numeric(12,4) | Maximum infiltration volume possible | |
suction | numeric(12,4) | Soil capillary suction | |
conduct | numeric(12,4) | Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity | |
initdef | numeric(12,4) | Initial soil moisture deficit | |
curveno | numeric(12,4) | SCS Curve Number | |
conduct_2 | numeric(12,4) | Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity | |
drytime_2 | numeric(12,4) | Time it takes for fully saturated soil to dry | |
sector_id | integer | Id of the hydrological sector, defined on sector | |
hydrology_id | integer | Id of hydrology, defined on cat_hydrology | |
the_geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) | Multi polygon geometry of subcatchment | |
descript | text | Description | |
nperv_pattern_id | varchar(16) | Pattern for different subcatchment areas | |
dstore_pattern_id | varchar(16) | Depression storage pattern | |
infil_pattern_id | varchar(16) | Infiltration |