ud_inp_subcatchment - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies each subcatchment within the study area. Subcatchments are land area units which generate runoff from rainfall.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
subc_id character varying(16) Id of subcatchment
outlet_id character varying(100) Id of outlet, defined on inp_outlet
rg_id character varying(16) Id of raingage, defined on raingage
area numeric(16,6) Area of the subcatchment
imperv numeric(12,4) Percent imperviousness of subcatchment.
width numeric(12,4) Characteristic width of subcatchment
slope numeric(12,4) Subcatchment slope
clength numeric(12,4) Total curb length
snow_id character varying(16) Id of snowpack, defined on inp_snowpack_id
nimp numeric(12,4) Manning's n for overland flow over the impervious sub-area
nperv numeric(12,4) Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious sub-area
simp numeric(12,4) Depression storage for impervious sub-area
sperv numeric(12,4) Depression storage for pervious sub-area
zero numeric(12,4) Percent of impervious area with no depression storage.
routeto character varying(20) IMPERVIOUS if pervious area runoff runs onto impervious area, PERVIOUS if impervious runoff runs onto pervious area, or OUTLET if both areas drain to the subcatchment's outlet IMPERVIOUS, PERVIOUS, OUTLET
rted numeric(12,4) Percent of runoff routed from one type of area to another
maxrate numeric(12,4) Maximum infiltration rate on Horton curve
minrate numeric(12,4) Minimum infiltration rate on Horton curve
decay numeric(12,4) Decay rate constant of Horton curve
drytime numeric(12,4) Time it takes for fully saturated soil to dry
maxinfil numeric(12,4) Maximum infiltration volume possible
suction numeric(12,4) Soil capillary suction
conduct numeric(12,4) Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
initdef numeric(12,4) Initial soil moisture deficit
curveno numeric(12,4) SCS Curve Number
conduct_2 numeric(12,4) Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
drytime_2 numeric(12,4) Time it takes for fully saturated soil to dry
sector_id integer Id of the hydrological sector, defined on sector
hydrology_id integer Id of hydrology, defined on cat_hydrology
the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,SRID) Multi polygon geometry of subcatchment
descript text Description
nperv_pattern_id varchar(16) Pattern for different subcatchment areas
dstore_pattern_id varchar(16) Depression storage pattern
infil_pattern_id varchar(16) Infiltration