ud_inp_pollutant - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Identifies the pollutants being analyzed.


Column name Data type Description Domain values
poll_id character varying(16) Id of the pollutant
units_type character varying(18) Concentration units, defined on inp_typevalue as inp_value_pollutants [#/L, MG/L, UG/L]
crain numeric(12,4) Concentration of pollutant in rainfall
cgw numeric(12,4) Concentration of pollutant in groundwater
cii numeric(12,4) Concentration of pollutant in inflow/infiltration
kd numeric(12,4) First-order decay coefficient
sflag character varying(3) YES if pollutant buildup occurs only when there is snow coverr, NO otherwise [YES, NO]
copoll_id character varying(16) Id of co-pollutant
cofract numeric(12,4) Fraction of co-pollutant concentration
cdwf numeric(12,4) Concentration of pollutant in dry weather flow
cinit numeric(12,4) Pollutant concentration throughout the conveyance system at the start of the simulation