ud_inp_lidusage_subc_x_lidco - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Deploys LID controls within specific subcatchment areas.


Column name Data type Description Example
subc_id character varying(16) Id of subcatchment, defined on inp_subcatchment
lidco_id character varying(16) Id of lid control, defined on inp_lid_control
"number" smallint The number of replicate LID units deployed or m 2
area numeric(16,6) The area of each replicate unit
width numeric(12,4) The width of the outflow face of each identical LID unit
initsat numeric(12,4) The percent to which the unit's soil layer or storage layer is initially filled with water
fromimp numeric(12,4) The percent of the impervious portion of the subcatchment's nonLID area whose runoff is treated by the LID units
toperv smallint 1 if the outflow from the LID is returned onto the subcatchment's pervious area rather than going to the subcatchment's outlet, 0 otherwise
rptfile character varying(10) Optional name of a file to which detailed time series results for the LID will be written
hydrology_id integer Id of hydrology, defined on cat_hydrology
descript text Description