ud_inp_groundwater - Giswater/giswater_dbmodel GitHub Wiki


Supplies parameters that determine the rate of groundwater flow between the aquifer underneath a subcatchment and a node of the conveyance system.


Column name Data type Description
subc_id character varying(16) Id of subcatchment, defined on inp_subcatchment
aquif_id character varying(16) Id of aquifer, defined on inp_aquifer
node_id character varying(50) Id of node
surfel numeric(10,4) Surface elevation of subcatchment
a1 numeric(10,4) Groundwater flow coefficient
b1 numeric(10,4) Groundwater flow exponent
a2 numeric(10,4) Surface water flow coefficient
b2 numeric(10,4) Surface water flow exponent
a3 numeric(10,4) Surface water – groundwater interaction coefficient
tw numeric(10,4) Fixed depth of surface water at receiving node
h numeric(10,4) Groundwater table height which must be reached before any flow occurs
fl_eq_lat character varying(50) Additional parameters for groudwater
fl_eq_deep character varying(50) Additional parameters for groudwater
hydrology_id integer Id of hydrology